1. Which number should come next? 0 3 8 15 24 ______
A) 48
B) 35
C) 37
D) 31
E) None of above
2. If x > 0 and 2 x – 1 = 1 / (2 x + 1), the x :
A) 1 / 2
B) underroot2/2
C) infinity
D) 0
E) underroot2+1
3. Choose the lettered word or phrase that is the most nearly
Opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters:
A) evict
B) thwart
C) define
D) make excuses for
E) call attention to
4. During formation of NaCl, Cl gains electron. Hence it is ______________________
A) Reduced
B) Unchanged
C) Redoxed
D) Oxidized
E) None of Above
5. In the Fourth Quadrant __________________ is (are) Positive.
A) Sine
B) Cosine
C) Tangent
D) A and C
E) None of above
6. Minimum point for curve y = x 2 – 8 x + 18 is at :
A) ( 1 , 2 )
B) ( 2 , 1 )
C) ( 2 , 4 )
D) ( 4 , 2 )
E) None of the above
7. If three identical regular dice with faces marked 1 to 6 are rolled.
What percent chance is there that none of the dice will display 6 or 4?
A) About 39.6
B) About 29.6
C) About 19.6
D) About 9.6
E) About 0.6
8. G1, G2 and G3 are graphs in the xy-plane with equations;
x + y = 1 for G1
xy = 2 for G2
and (x + 1)2 + (y + 2)2 = 3 for G3
which of these graphs intersect(s) the y-axis?
A) G1 only
B) G1 and G2 only
C) G1 and G3 only
D) All G1, G2 and G3
E) None
9. Refer question 8 above, where does G1 intersects G3?
A) In the first quadrant
B) In the second quadrant
C) In the third quadrant
D) In the fourth quadrant
E) At no point
10. The relative humidity of air is nearly 100%
A) While it rains
B) During night
C) In an air-conditioned chamber
D) In a room cooled by a desert cooler
E) Relative humidity can never approach 100%
11. If water flows at a rate of 360 T/h in a pipe having a crossection area of 0.1m2,
the velocity of flow is
A) 360 m/s
B) 36 m/s
C) 3.6 m/s
D) 1 m/s
E) None of the above
12. Mass can be converted to energy. Einstein gave a mathematical relation for
this statement. How much energy can be obtained approximately from 1 micro-gram
of mass according to that formula?
A) 1 micro-joule
B) 900 joules
C) 90000 joules
D) 9 x 109 joules
E) 90 x 109 joules
13. The price of an article was cut by 20% for a sale. By what percent must
the item be increased to again sell the item at original price?
A) 15%
B) 20%
C) 25%
D) 30%
E) 40%
14. Pakistan conducted tests of Nuclear device on
A) 28th May 1999
B) 28th May 1998
C) 28th March 1997
D) 25th May 1998
E) 25th May 1999
15. In training for a competition, you find that swimming downstream
(with the current) in a river, you can swim 2 miles in 40minutes, and
upstream (against the current), you can swim 2 miles in 60 minutes.
How long would it take you to swim a mile in still water?
A) 20 minutes
B) 24 minutes
C) 26 minutes
D) 30 minutes
E) 40 minutes
16. An elliptical field has its major axis equal to 10 km and
minor axis equal to 8 km. If some one is interested to place a rope
around the field at a distance of 100 m from the periphery of the
ellipse, how long rope will he approximately need?
A) 28.78 km
B) 38.44 km
C) 35.25 km
D) 57.56 km
E) not enough data to approximate
17. A constant force of 100N is being tangentially applied on a
flywheel of a machine which rotates at constant angular speed of
9420 radians per second. The radius of the flywheel is 0.5 meter.
What is the torque acting on the flywheel?
A) 100 Nm
B) 0.5 Nm
C) 50 Nm
D) 5 Nm
E) Torque is not defined for rotating objects.
18. Two cars start off the same point on a straight highway facing
opposite directions. Each car drives for 6 miles, takes a left turn,
and drives for 8 miles. How far apart are the two cars?
A) 2 miles
B) 11 miles
C) 14 miles
D) 20 miles
E) 26 miles
19. For the combustion of one kilogram of carbon, the quantity
of oxygen required is
A) 2.67 kg
B) 3.67 kg
C) 4.67 kg
D) 8 kg
E) 11.6 kg
20. A cylindrical water tank having a diameter of 1.50 m
and height 10 m is to be filled with a water tap having 20 litre / s
flow. How long would it take to fill the tank?
A) Nearly 12 minutes
B) Nearly 15 minutes
C) Nearly 17 minutes
D) Nearly 19 minutes
E) Nearly 21 minutes
21. For her school newspaper, the editor has a photo that has
a height of 4 inches and a width of 6 inches. She needs to enlarge
the picture proportionally to fit a space with a height of 7 inches.
What will the new width be?
A) 17 inches
B) 14.5 inches
C) 11.67 inches
D) 10.5 inches
E) 12 inches
22. City ABC has installed 30 parking meters at 15 – foot intervals
along a straight street. What is the number of feet between the
first meter & the last meter?
A) 435
B) 420
C) 200
D) 465
E) 450
23. A solid cube is made of a white material, but with the exterior
is painted black. If the cube is cut into 125 smaller cubes of exactly
the same size, how many of the cubes will have at least 2 of their
sides painted black?
A) 48
B) 44
C) 28
D) 24
E) 20
24. Simla accord between India & Pakistan was signed after the war of:
A) 1948
B) 1965
C) 1971
D) Kargil war
E) None of the above
25. MeV (Mega electron Volt) is unit of energy
A) It is equivalent to 1 joule
B) It is equivalent to 1.6 x 10?19 joules
C) It is equivalent to 6.02 x 1023 joules
D) It is equivalent to 1 erg.
E) None of the above
26. The bulk modulus of elasticity for an incompressible fluid is
A) 0
B) ?
C) 1
D) equal to its density
E) None of the above
27. Which of the following is an extensive property?
A) Temperature
B) Pressure
C) Specific volume
D) Volume
E) None of the above
28. Poise (P) is the unit of dynamic viscosity and one Poise is equal to
A) 1 N.s/m2
B) 1 Ib/
C) 1 g/cm.s
D) 1 kg/m.s
E) None of the above
29. In natural convection, fluid moves under the influence of
A) Buoyant forces arising from changes in density
B) Changes in fluid pressure produced by external work
C) Surface tension forces
D) Elastic forces.
E) None of the above
30. The Grashof number is proportional to
A) The ratio of viscous force to buoyancy force
B) The ratio of buoyancy force to viscous force
C) The ratio of buoyancy force to elastic force
D) The ratio of viscous force to inertial force
E) None of the above
31. Heating of pyrites in air to remove sulphur is called
A) Smelting
B) Calcination
C) Roasting
D) Cupellation
E) None of the above
32. In the extraction of iron from iron oxide ores, the reducing agent is
A) C
C) CaCO3
D) SiO2
E) None of the above
33. Which of the following is not a basic flux?
A) CaCO3
B) Lim
C) SiO2
D) CaO
E) None of the above
34. Inside the distillation column
A) The driving force for the vapor flow is the pressure drop
B) The driving force for the liquid flow is its weight
C) The liquids and vapours are always at their bubble point and dew point, respectively
D) All of the above
E) None of the above
35. Separation of a binary mixture of gases by absorption in the liquid solvent depends upon their differences of
A) Density
B) Solubility
C) Viscosity
D) Kinematic viscosity
E) None of the above
36. Low viscosity of solvent is preferred for gas absorption because of
A) Rapid absorption rates
B) Improved flow characteristics
C) Low pressure drops on pumping
D) All of the above
E) None of the above
37. At fixed temperature, the solubility of gases in solvent
A) Remains constant with change in pressure
B) Decreases with change in pressure
C) Increases with increase in pressure
D) Decreases exponentially with increase in pressure
E) None of the above
38. For a reversible isothermal process the exponent n in the relation PVn = constant, has the value
A) n = 0
B) n = ?
C) n = 1
D) n = ?
E) None of the above
39. Melting of ice is an example of
A) An isothermal process
B) An adiabatic process
C) An isometric process
D) All of the above
E) None of the above
40. The internal energy of an ideal gas does not change in
A) A reversible isometric process
B) A reversible isobaric process
C) A reversible adiabatic process
D) A reversible isothermal process
E) None of the above
41. Entropy of a substance is that quantity which remains constant during
A) A reversible isothermal change
B) A reversible adiabatic change
C) An irreversible adiabatic change
D) An irreversible isothermal change
E) None of the above
42. Le Chatelier principle applies to
A) Physical equilibria
B) Chemical equilibria
C) To all reactions
D) To all systems at equilibrium
E) None of the above
43. The complete and perfect combustion of a hydrocarbon fuel yields
A) Carbon monoxide gas and water vapour
B) Carbon dioxide gas only
C) Water vapour only
D) Both carbon dioxide gas and water vapour
E) None of the above
44. An increase in the carbide/graphite ratio in cast iron tends to
A) Increase the hardness
B) Increase the brittleness
C) Decrease the ductility
D) All of the above
E) None of the above
45. Nitriding of steel is done for
A) Hardening the surface of steel
B) Hardening the steel
C) Softening the steel surface
D) Softening the steel
E) None of the above
46. Brass is composed of
A) Cu – Zn
B) Cu – Sn
C) Sn – Zn
D) A1 – B
E) None of the above
47. Refractor meter works on the principle of
A) Polarization of light
B) Change of angle of refraction with composition
C) Change of the electrical conductivity of solution with composition
D) Change of the electrical conductivity of solution with temperature
E) None of the above
48. Composition of CO2 in the flue gas is determined by
A) Polarograph
B) Mass spectrometer
C) Thermal conductivity cell
D) Polarimeter
E) None of the above
49. Composition of alloys is commonly determined by
A) Thermal conductivity cell
B) Mass spectrometer
C) Polarograph
D) Polarimeter
E) None of the above
50. The laplace transform of unit-step change is
A) 1
B) 1/d
C) d
D) 1/( d+1)
E) None of the above
Q. 1 B Q. 26 B
Q. 2 B Q. 27 D
Q. 3 B Q. 28 C
Q. 4 A Q. 29 A
Q. 5 B Q. 30 B
Q. 6 D Q. 31 C
Q. 7 B Q. 32 B
Q. 8 C Q. 33 C
Q. 9 E Q. 34 D
Q. 10 A Q. 35 B
Q. 11 D Q. 36 D
Q. 12 E Q. 37 C
Q. 13 C Q. 38 C
Q. 14 B Q. 39 A
Q. 15 B Q. 40 D
Q. 16 A Q. 41 B
Q. 17 C Q. 42 D
Q. 18 D Q. 43 D
Q. 19 A Q. 44 D
Q. 20 B Q. 45 A
Q. 21 D Q. 46 A
Q. 22 A Q. 47 B
Q. 23 B Q. 48 C
Q. 24 C Q. 49 C
Q. 25 E Q. 50 B
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